Super Mumma Has Your Back

Wrap Up In The Mummahood

Welcome to The Super Mummahood!

Motherhood is not all babies sleeping peacefully, and calm school runs. Let's be honest, sometimes we lose our s***!

Motherhood can be a beautiful mess, but sometimes it can also feel dark, lonely and overwhelming.

The Super Mummahood is here for you

Being a super mumma is hard, and we don't need to struggle alone. The Super Mummahood is your place to take time for you, share stories, find support for yourself or just escape for 10 minutes of peace.

The Mummahood

Surviving Mummahood

Find Support
The Mummahood

Stories Of Mummahood

Share A Mumma's Journey
The MummaHood

Super Mumma Bookshelf

Take A Look At The Shelf

Make A Super Mumma's Day

Self Soothe

The Super Mumma Patch

When you are overwhelmed with stress, panic, anxiety and you can't leave the kids to run away, what do you do?

The Super Mumma Patch was my way of coping when I couldn't run away. I created it as a way for me to self soothe myself to calm.

Stories Of Mummahood

From One Super Mumma To Another..

Hi, I am Krisha, mum of 2 girls, living with anxiety, OCD & ADHD, while trying to survive as a mother, wife and women!

I created Super Mumma after feeling alone while suffering with Post Natal Anxiety. It took me nearly 18 months and a midnight scroll on Google to discover that what I was feeling wasn't wrong, it wasn't just me and it wasn't ok.

I never want mums to feel like I did and not know where to go or what to do to help them feel ok.

I started by creating hoodies that can help you feel stronger & empowered when feeling vulnerable at the school gate or baby class.

Now, Super Mumma is more than just hoodies, It's a place where you can come and find support, comfort and a place where you don't feel alone.

Put YourSelf First Today

What Is Self Care?

It is about taking time to restore your energy, rest your mind and take care of yourself
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